The raison d’être of our company is providing high-quality moulds that fully meet the needs and expectations of our Customers, with the aim of becoming leaders in the market we operate in so that we can assure continuous improvement and progress at IDEAL MOLDE.

To achieve this Mission, our Quality Policy consists of:

Continuously involving customers, suppliers and employees in meeting deadlines and complying with technical specifications, as well as continuously improving our processes and methods and providing added value.

Providing our customers with added value products that exceed their expectations and creating long-lasting relationships with them.

To do this, we focus on increasing the effectiveness of our activities, where we privilege and value:

  • Emphasis on activity planning and monitoring;
  • Concern for prevention over detection;
  • Organising the work so we get it right first time;
  • Dynamism and initiative in the quest for solutions to reduce the time and costs involved in our operations;
  • Establishing stable relationships of trust with our employees, suppliers, customers and society in general.
  • Conducting our business and raising awareness among our employees with the aim of environmental preservation and safety.