The raison d'être of IDEAL MOLDE is to design and provide high-quality moulds for the plastics industry that fully meet the needs and expectations of our Customers. Our aim is to become one of the main benchmarks in our market and to assure continued improvement in our organisation, on the road to Excellence.



To achieve our Mission, we focus on:

Efficiently meeting Customer requirements and needs;

Providing our employees with continuous training and refresher courses, in order to keep them motivated and qualified, adding value to their roles.

Making suitable investments in modernising the equipment, improving internal and external communications and improving working conditions in the area of safety and the environment, so that we are always up-to-date and capable of responding efficiently to the constant changes and developments in the world today;

Involving employees in the search for creative and innovative solutions, in order to improve productivity and profitability, thus making the company more competitive at all levels;

Contributing to improvements for all our stakeholders: customers, suppliers, the organisation and society in general.


IDEAL MOLDE’s fundamental values are: Humility, Honesty, Diligence and a Sense of Responsibility from all those involved in the company’s Mission and Vision.

IDEAL MOLDE recognises and values: respect and ethics in human relationships and activities, a teamwork spirit, dynamism and initiative from our employees in the quest for continuously improving the organisation.