IDEAL MOLDE was incorporated in late 1985 and began operations in early 1986. Its founders had no previous business experience, just the technical knowledge for the business they were to engage in.

Carried away by the enthusiasm of youth, they made unsuitable investments, which caused serious cash flow problems.

Times were hard and many problems arose, continuing in the following years. But those years were not in vain, as all the experience acquired during that time served to solidify their expertise in all areas related to the company’s business – the manufacture of precision technical moulds for the plastics industry.

The future was being written day after day. The company invested in new technology, developed commercially and began making a place for itself in the market.

It went through turbulent phases with the changes imposed by the Commercial sector, requiring greater efficiency in responding to new Customers. Increasingly, IDEAL MOLDE was moving into the market at its own pace.

Then, their own facilities had to be built, for a qualititative leap that was taken in early 1992. The company moved to the new facilities at the end of that year.

This was also quite a difficult time, added to by the worldwide crisis at the time. Nevertheless, the company was able to overcome all these difficulties, gaining more and more market confidence.

Ideal Molde received ISO 9002:1995 certification on 23 February 2000.


Now, Ideal Molde has ISO 9001:2008 certification and it is a sound company due to the constant challenges it sets itself, of note being:

  • Technological Innovation
  • Organisational Capacity
  • Challenging the Market

The company has around 50 highly specialised full-time staff and equipment at the standard of the best on the market. 


The company’s main aim is to continue to develop sustainably and always with the goal of fully satisfying its Customers, providing high-quality moulds for the plastics industry.

We will always have an eye to the future, setting challenges for ourselves and those working with us.